当チームはこの度、マシュー カイル(Matthew Kyle)選手と基本合意に達しましたことをお知らせ致します。

名前マシュー カイル (MATTHEW KYLE )
出身地Maryland, USA
趣味Building businesses – in particular the marketing and sales function. Also I love video games especially Hell Let Loose and Counter Strike.


I am more excited about the 2024 season than any other season before. 3x3 basketball is growing in popularity and also international notoriety especially with the recent victory of Alphas at the Sendai Super Premier. Japan 3x3 basketball is something to respect not just in Asia but globally.

I have played with a number of good teams in 3x3 before including the captain of Alphas, Ochiai Tomoya, but after speaking with the DROPS President and Owner, Shimizu-san, I knew the DROPS organization was committed to the support of its players and wants to win 🏆 more than I have ever seen before.

I co-own a number of businesses myself including a global expansion company (www.weconnect.co) and a Japan travel company (www.arigatotravel.com) and Shimizu-san has shown he and the team are committed to working with me and my busy schedule which makes me feel great. This alignment will allow me to maximize the time I can dedicate to DROPS.

Additionally and most importantly my children are at special ages where they still love being around me (I have a 6 year old son, Gabriel, and a 4 year old daughter, Bella) and DROPS, through actions I have witnessed, has shown me they are committed to me maximizing my time with my wife and children even during game weekends which really made me feel very good about the management and their commitment to supporting their players.

I have found the way management aligns its goals with the goals of the players to be quite inspiring and because of it I have great confidence and maximum motivation to give everything I have to DROPS this season.